Jan 9, 2012


I have learnt this year that nothing worth having is obtained without hard work.Relationships worth having take communication, effort, tears, frustration, compromise, tough love. Finding a job you love takes hours, ground work, call backs, resumes, countless cover letters, perhaps even education, and definitely thoughtful effort. Being the kind of person you want to be, whether you find yourself working on being kind, being clean, or being fit. Takes goal setting, concentration, perseverance, dedication and sometimes overwhelming amounts of personal effort.

I used to think that life was supposed to be easy, that skills I wanted, or the strength I desired, would just come to me, because I deserved it. Because I was good person, and thats the way it had always worked out. Life was easy, and in my mind it would continue to be easy. However this year has changed that entitled rich girl attitude. Turns out I have to work for what I want. Turns out, I have to work hard, and put time and energy into the task, relationship, or goal I want to achieve. Turns out the life I want, requires my best effort, every day, all the time. Turns out, life is hard.

But today, I have made peace with the fact life is hard. That its ok. Because pain, or hardships, they build.

They Build:
Self Worth

If I want something, I need to work hard to get it.
Today, I have decided to work hard.

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