Feb 10, 2010

This is all I know for sure.

I dont know a lot. And I sure don't consider myself the most spiritual person I know, or the most theologically sound person I know, or the most biblically studied person I know. But if I know one thing, if I choose to stand for one thing in my life, it is this:

I was not put on this earth to judge. Anyone. That is not my role, how can I, with the brain capacity of a human, even begin to determine what is wrong and right for other people. Judging others without being in their shoes, without living their life, without knowing their experiences, goes against every cell in my being. Judgement has a negative vibe, my body rejects it at all cost.

The way I chose to go through life is to Love. Plain and Simple. Love Everyone. Demand equal treatment for all humans. Not based on sexual preference, or religion, or skin color, or sex. Demand equal treatment because we are all human, we are all trying to get through this thing called life the best way we can, and everyone deserves to have a little more Love in their life. A little more positive energy, a little more light. It doesn't matter if you are a "good" person, or a "healthy" person, or even a "kind" person. WE are all healthy, and unheathly, good and bad, kind and unkind. Why should we be dependant on labels in order to love someone or to be loved by someone. Why cant we all get together as a community of humans and spread as much love as possible. Abolish fear, get rid of systems and beliefs that no longer work, and move on. Support each other in our quest to find ourselves, to be happy.

This is all I know for sure. I hope you can agree with me that we need more love in this world, we dont need anymore fear, or doubt, or hate. We need more love, and if my choice to love "the unlovable amoung us" puts me into direct conflict with the people whom I love, so be it. Because I will not stop loving those who persecute me. I will not stop loving anyone, even if they choose to stop loving me. Because I have learnt in my 26 (almost 27) years on this planet, that it is easy to love those who love you back. The harder thing to do is to love those who maltreat you. It is harder to love those who scare you, or who think differently than you. But they deserve love too. Everyone does. And if I can support your cause, and stand behind you in battle against people who arent showing you love, I will do that, as I feel that is my role, as a human, as a Jesus lover, as someone who doesnt have all the answers, but is trying to follow her gut and is doing the best she can.

Pieces - Feels right

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