Dec 13, 2011

Last week I started communicating with a friend from way back, talking a little about what has been going on in our lives in the last couple years. The topic of Josh and I came up and his response was surprisingly insightful, he had this to say:

In my opinion; (get ready for it...) You get to be totally selfish when it comes to picking your significant other. People change. You think you know someone, and one day you wake up, and you're staring at them from across the breakfast table, and have no idea who they really are... Who changed? Did they change? Or did you? Only you or Josh could answer that. Its like two travelers on a journey that come to a split in the road. Slowly over time, the two paths,(while they point generally in the same direction,) gradually get farther and farther apart. After a while, all the two travelers can do is shout back and forth to each other. Both of them are far too along in their journey to go back. So a decision has to be made.

The lesson I learnt today, was when you open up to people, sometimes they will surprise you.

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