Dec 31, 2011

New Years Resolutions

My dear friend Sandra taught me to do New Years resolutions. Basically to set goals for myself for the next year. Things I want to try, do, become, or achieve. If you tell yourself that you are someone who sets goals and achieves them, then you will become that person. I promise it works.

So this year:

I want to take a boxing class.
I want to be out of debt.
I want to legalize my divorce.
I want to feel strong and healthy.

Dec 29, 2011


I have been looking for a Nativity for a while now, however I have a hard time finding one that I'm stoked on. I found a few the other day that I kind of like:

Dec 28, 2011

Journey through an unknown land

This Christmas has been weird. Emotionally Hard. I seem to be focusing on everything I've lost, rather than everything I've gained. I seem to be sad a lot. Mad a lot. Mad that life is hard. Mad that things will never again be simple, easy, or uncomplicated. Mad that I have grown up and have become jaded, or clear-sighted perhaps. The rose coloured glasses have become cracked and true colours are streaming in, too quick, too bright, too much. I feel broken at times. I feel scared now, of making mistakes, of taking risks, of risking it all. I'm in conflict with myself. The child in me, tells me to throw caution to the wind, risk it all, don't let fear guide you. But the adult in me. The adult who has been hurt, who knows how brittle pain makes the heart, how narrow of a cliff I am walking between sanity and insanity, tells me to hold back, to be afraid. The hurt in me tells me that life is hard, that pain is enviable. That through experience I have learnt that the hard times build up and up until you can't possibly conceive of climbing the mountain. Experience tells me to give up before it all becomes too much and I fail at this again.

However through all this fear, there is a voice. Though small and sometimes unheard. It is the voice of hope. To this voice, is whom I choose to anchor my ship.

This is me. To a T.

Dec 26, 2011

Merry Christmas

A favorite thing:

Being bored, flipping through channels, and finding Forrest Gump on TV.

Dec 18, 2011

Fendi Spring 2012 rtw.


Bizzaro find of the week

what? what is it? and why is it on a ring?
Talking with a friend the other day about how everyone seems to be doing cocaine these days. Its bizarre. My advice to alls you is:

And if I ever become an old lady, living alone in my loft, and get to decorate without any compromise. It would probably look a little like this:

Daydreaming about decorating my future new apartment.

Love banquet seating. Love the light fixtures.

Love everything about this. The chairs. LOVE LOVE LOVE the lights.

This is my dream eating area. I love the chairs, the colours of the chairs. The art, the chandelier. This makes me happy.

I like the playfulness of masculine and feminine in this picture.

I like the light fixture. The liquor bar, and the shades of grey.

I love everything about this, minus the area rug.

attic bedroom, my dream.

Dec 14, 2011

Christmas Spirit

I've been trying really hard. Honest I have. But I just can't seem to get into the Christmas spirit. Something just doesn't feel like Christmas. My man decorated our house, with garland, and twinkle lights, scented pinecones and baubles hanging from the ceiling. We decorated our stockings and hung them, I've been watching Chirstmas movies, drinking egg nog, I have all my presents wrapped and under the tree but something doesn't feel Christmas. So I got to thinking. What would make me feel more Christmasy.

But I think what I'm really missing, and it pains me to say this, but I think what will make me feel more in the Christmas spirit is Starbucks. I haven't had barely any Starbucks Christmas drinks this season. Seriously. I've had one Gingerbread latte. ONE! I haven't had a peppermint white mocha, I haven't have a chai/gingerbread latte, and, seriously, one gingerbread latte isn't going to cut it. Ok. I'll try and fix this grinch-ness with Starbucks....Here's hoping.

Dec 13, 2011

Last week I started communicating with a friend from way back, talking a little about what has been going on in our lives in the last couple years. The topic of Josh and I came up and his response was surprisingly insightful, he had this to say:

In my opinion; (get ready for it...) You get to be totally selfish when it comes to picking your significant other. People change. You think you know someone, and one day you wake up, and you're staring at them from across the breakfast table, and have no idea who they really are... Who changed? Did they change? Or did you? Only you or Josh could answer that. Its like two travelers on a journey that come to a split in the road. Slowly over time, the two paths,(while they point generally in the same direction,) gradually get farther and farther apart. After a while, all the two travelers can do is shout back and forth to each other. Both of them are far too along in their journey to go back. So a decision has to be made.

The lesson I learnt today, was when you open up to people, sometimes they will surprise you.

Dec 7, 2011


Someone asked me the other day how I deal with transitions, and it totally caught me off guard. How am I with transitions? My life, for the past year has been one big transition. It's hard to think about life without stressful life changes in it. I can't wait until I have gone a 6 month period without a transition. I would say that Im generally ok with transitions. I have huge emotional strength, I can take on a lot before anyone knows there is a problem. However this year I have learnt to surround myself with dependable people. People who I can rely on when I do need help, people I know are up to the challenge of helping me if it all becomes too much. Strong people, people that I can trust. This week has been really busy, and I am ashamed to say that I acted off colour. I felt completely out of control so I think, in some insane way to gain control, I lashed out at my loved ones, government workers, myself. I couldn't control anything, and that was scary to me. I hated that feeling.

Hindsight is so 20/20, and nothing is as bad as it seems as when your in the throws of it.

Life is good, there are bumps along the way, and next time life sends me a curveball I hope I will be a little more graceful about the whole thing.

How are you with transitions?

Dec 6, 2011

and if it's on the internet it must be true. right?

Dec 4, 2011

My favourite song of the Moment

I just love this pic

Even when life is more stressful than usual, and Im acting like a bitch, I know were still..

Dec 2, 2011

I can't shake this grump. ):

C.S. Lewis once said,

Don't bother too much about your feelings. When they are humble, loving, brave, give thanks for them; when they are conceited, selfish, cowardly, ask to have them altered. In neither case are they you, but only a thing that happens to you. What matters is your intentions and your behaviour.

God please alter my feelings, I feel selfish, cowardly, scared, and quite honestly, sorry for myself. I don't want to. Im over feeling like this. I want to feel blessed, at peace, humble, and brave.

Hey Girls, be nice!

I have some girlfriends who are in the midst of a row. It's ridiculous. Girl #1, stop hating.
thank you.

Dec 1, 2011

and..I want this. Fish-o-fillet fish bowl!!!!

A beautiful girl, with great style, a yellow scarf, and perfect bangs. Sitting on the bus across from me, eating a McDonalds apple pie. Looking cute as shit. I am rarely jealous, but I was, of her.