Vancouver is full of characters. The homeless man with the sign that says, "smile if you masturbate", the man who plays spoons for you as you walk home on Granville, the opinionated bus drivers, the crazy bike messengers. All these people make Vancouver the greatest, most interesting place on earth to live. However none of these people compare to my favourite Vancouver character. I call him Bob Dylan.
This guy, walks around the city, all day long, just looking like Bob Dylan circa 1980. From what I can tell, he is a youngish guy. Maybe in his 30's. He has the Bob Dylan Jew-Fro, the classic ray bans, Bob's nose, demeanour, and general attitude. Im sure he doesn't have a job, as I have seen him all over town, at all hours of the day. A morning tromp in South Granville, might lead him to an afternoon walk on Dunsmuir, followed by and evening stroll up Main. It's bizarre. Whenever I see him, I make sure I point him out to others around me. He is a Vancouver Treasure after all. But no one seems to know him, or seen him before.
Wait, maybe Bob Dylan is stalking me, I am the only one who seems to see him! How exciting! That, or, I've made him up and he doesn't actually exist.....oh no, is this when the men in white coats take me away? Goodbye Vancouver, it was fun while it lasted.
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