Jan 5, 2011

Birds are falling out of the sky! LIterally.

Onemanga is closing. We won’t make it. The end... - this black cat says meow to you

Today I started getting nervous belly about the end of the world, or 2012, or the Apocolypse (or whatever you want to call it). Just humor me as I break this down.

First of all, natural disasters. Flooding in Cali, Asia, Nashville, Pakistan, and earthquakes left, right and center....Are there more natural disasters this year or are people just noticing more?

Secondly, have you heard about all these dead birds falling out of the sky on December 31st? All over the world there were reports of dead birds falling out of the sky, and no one can explain why. Dead fish started to float up on shores around the world on December 31st too. Unexplained death's of animals freak me out!!

Thirdly, all this talk about the Mayan Calendar, 2012 and the end of the world. Who's to know how much weight to put on predictions like that?

I could go on and on about chips in our bank cards, and now in our passports, and how the government is trying to control and track us but I know I would lose some of you, so I will move on. Im not trying to be overly dramatic but it seems to me that things are changing. It seems to me that the earth is trying to send us messages. "Stop taking advantage!" How many BP Oil spills can we have before the earth starts fighting back, whatever that looks like.

I guess no matter if 2012 is the next Y2K, or if we actually have a year before the world changes as we know it, we have no control. But I know, for me and myself, Im going to live with purpose this year, just in case.


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