I believe that behind many illness is an underlying metaphysical cause. Our body is constantly giving us messages to let us know when we are on and off track. However due to our busy, complicated lives we tend to be distracted from the communications our body trying to get through to us.
This being said, the moment I stepped foot in Calgary I had a headache. When I lived in Calgary I was constantly battling headaches. Some say its the weather, the Chinooks and sudden changes that reek havoc on the body. This could be true, but I wanted to know what the common emotion link to headaches were. Apparently headaches are linked to self criticism, and not wanting to accept what is going on.
I find it interesting that I only get headaches in Calgary. Therefore I must criticize myself more in this environment. I'm not sure where this stems from or what about myself I'm not loving, but you can be sure I will be meditating on this in the near future. I have always found Calgary to be a critical environment. I find that a majority of people in Calgary aren't interested in diversity. They are interested in the safety of similarity. This is one of the many reasons I needed to move away. I needed a chance to be surrounded by people who would accept diversity. Surrounded by people who accept a persons life path just because it is authentic to them. Not because it was similar to their own. In this way Vancouver has been a refreshing experience.
I suppose its hard for me to leave behind the criticism I felt in Calgary, and maybe, its not Calgary who was doing the criticising, but it was me, doing it to myself....
If you are interested in the underlying metaphysical cause of illness's. Louise Hay has a book called "Heal your Body", that covers most illness's and their emotional/spiritual connection. Super interesting. Or you can just google her. (:
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