Dec 29, 2010

Fresh Snow Fall

Find the peace and rest in snow.

Sitting in the stillness of nowhere to go.

Understanding calm.

Arriving in Calgary

The ground is dark and hard
The air stifles the breath
The cold pierces the skin,
as the wind laughs at my discomfort

On the bus to Calgary

Sitting down. The peace. The quiet.
Resting, my body, mind, spirit.
Able to think, or not if I chose.
Able to slow down, ease up and cruise.

The busy, the madness.
The rush, rush, rush.
The pushing, the yelling.
Too much, much much.

Why are we busy?
Why are we stressed?
Why don't we allow
ourselves to rest?

Do you suppose it so we dont think our thoughts?
Dream our dreams? Talk our talks?
Sometimes I think its so we can lie to ourselves.
We dont have the time.
We dont have the money.
We dont have the skills.

But we can and we do and we would if we'd try.
We need to create, instead of living this lie.
This lie that tells us that we cant have it all.
That our dreams wont come true.
That our lives have no purpose at all.

Maybe just maybe, if we'd slow down a bit.
We would realize our passions, light and wit.
We'd see that love is a powerful choice.
We'd realize that each of us has a powerful voice.
We'd see that we're so much more that we think.
And once you see that,
life changes in a wink.

Headaches in Calgary

I believe that behind many illness is an underlying metaphysical cause. Our body is constantly giving us messages to let us know when we are on and off track. However due to our busy, complicated lives we tend to be distracted from the communications our body trying to get through to us.

This being said, the moment I stepped foot in Calgary I had a headache. When I lived in Calgary I was constantly battling headaches. Some say its the weather, the Chinooks and sudden changes that reek havoc on the body. This could be true, but I wanted to know what the common emotion link to headaches were. Apparently headaches are linked to self criticism, and not wanting to accept what is going on.

I find it interesting that I only get headaches in Calgary. Therefore I must criticize myself more in this environment. I'm not sure where this stems from or what about myself I'm not loving, but you can be sure I will be meditating on this in the near future. I have always found Calgary to be a critical environment. I find that a majority of people in Calgary aren't interested in diversity. They are interested in the safety of similarity. This is one of the many reasons I needed to move away. I needed a chance to be surrounded by people who would accept diversity. Surrounded by people who accept a persons life path just because it is authentic to them. Not because it was similar to their own. In this way Vancouver has been a refreshing experience.

I suppose its hard for me to leave behind the criticism I felt in Calgary, and maybe, its not Calgary who was doing the criticising, but it was me, doing it to myself....

If you are interested in the underlying metaphysical cause of illness's. Louise Hay has a book called "Heal your Body", that covers most illness's and their emotional/spiritual connection. Super interesting. Or you can just google her. (:

Dec 19, 2010

A letter to oneself

Dear Self,

Sorry for ruining a whole day with my grumpiness. There was no need for all that negativity. The grumpiness was so addictive. It seems the more I chose to be in a foul mood, the more things I could find to be upset about. By the end of the day, I just wanted to crawl into a hole and die. The funny thing is if I looked back on the day, nothing extremely bad happened to me, besides my mood. I feel disappointed that I wasted a whole day's worth of blessings, lessons, and magical moments, because I chose to ignore goodness. I didn't like the person I became today, will you forgive me?


Dec 13, 2010

Animal Totem: Badger

Aggressiveness, Reliance, Self-Expression

The power of the Badger totem is its aggressiveness
and the willingness to fight for what it wants.
This aggression can also be turned
to healing - for Badger is the keeper
of Earth's healing herbs.

Badger people are quick to express their feelings
with concern for the consequences.
They are often healers who have the courage to use unconventional methods.
Badger has the ability to persist to find a cure.

Badger people are often leaders and bosses,
the one who will get the job done.

If you have a Badger as a totem, you will likely be solitary
but comfortable being alone.
You are comfortable in your own skin and very self-reliant.

Badger anger can get your out of apathy,
but be careful not to cut yourself (or others) to ribbons.
Badger is a powerful totem when used properly.

Dec 12, 2010

How can we help?

When I throw a cigarette down the drainage system it always makes me think about the mutants who live down in the pipes, and when I think about the mutants who live in the pipes, I get scared.

Dec 10, 2010

Cutest thing I've seen in a while.

LA-based shoe label Penelope & Coco have just released the video for their SS2011 Oxford Collection.

SUCH A CUTE VIDEO. Worth a watch.
Penelope and Coco

Dec 4, 2010

One Month Here.

The busy-ness is new.
An adjustment.
My feet ache.
My body wants to stop.
But activity is good.
A body fatigued,
from a day of
moving forward. good.

Trembling Truth

At times, although one is perfectly in the right, one's legs tremble. At other times, although one is completely in the wrong, birds sing in one's soul. -V.V. Rozanov

However, the simple truth wont be simple and bright: It'll be dense, convoluted and kaleidoscopic. And the birds song will sound more like an orchestra than a single flute. - Lara Beierle

And I was at peace

Today, in the midst of strain and fatigue. I looked up past the concrete jungle and was reminded of the creator, by the aura of a roof top forest. Namaste.

Umbrella, ella, ella,

A smooth doomed protector.
So perfect in it's simplicity.
A cover from the fright of damp and cold.
Thank you, beautiful invention.
For bringing beauty, and magic,
and childlike wonder back to my life.
Everyday feels special.

Christmas is here.

I'm not someone that gets all giddy with the thought of Christmas. I don't decorate my house, or set up a tree and turkey dinners kinda gross me out, I hate forced gift giving, and the commercialism around the Christmas season seems contrived and sad. But as I was walking home tonight, I realized that there was one thing that I love about Christmas, and it changed everything for me.

I love white Christmas lights. I love seeing them in windows, their soft glow making the room look cozy and warm. Christmas lights somehow make life feel safe, secure, happy. Almost as if there is no evil or danger in the world. They make me think of baked apples and fireplaces, cozy sweaters and families laughing.

Its funny, because the minute I thought of one thing that I like about Christmas, I could think of another, and another. Isn't that the way it goes? When you change your perspective, just a little, suddenly a whole new world is open to you. I like that.

So for all of you haters out there. Haters of people, or events, foods, or trends. Remember perspective is everything.

Dec 1, 2010


Shades of grey, surround my face.

And swirl all about me.

They drop, and splash, and wisp and curl.

In a palette of subtlety.

Fat rain, hard rain, sprinkling rain, mist.

happy rain, feeding rain, cloudless showers?

Ocean rain, blue rain, grey rain, puddles.

Quiet rain, pounding rain, wake me from my slumber.