As tomorrow is U.S. Thankgiving, I thought I would take this opportunity to be thankful for some of the the amazing people in my life:
First off: Sandra.
Man this girl is amazing. It's funny cause she has the WORST first impression. Grumpy, unimpressed, maybe even bitchy. But she has SO much love in her heart. She loves the people in her life with abandon. Never giving up on them, never judging them, always working hard to be authentic, real, and honest. What is most refreshing about Sandra is her honesty. She talks about her own struggles, failings, and disappointments with the easy air of someone has forgiven herself for who she was, who she is, and who she wants to be. Her humble self awareness allows people in her presence to be at ease. People who know her know that they can be themselves, hid nothing, and be accepted. Everyone should be so lucky to have a friend like Sandra.
My Father: I love having conversations with my father. We think so alike, we love the same kind of conversations, we get right into things with an easy, natural flow that I crave constantly. I love how my dad thinks, what he thinks about and how he processes the world. I love that the last time I saw him he was obsessed with his beard.
Dave: Dave is an amazing man who never stops working hard for me. He loves me so hard, tries so hard, and works so hard. He works hard at being the best he can be, at being kinder, and being the best boyfriend a girl could ask for. His efforts are inspirational.
Elyse: I kinda forgot how much I love my sister Elyse. I hadn't seen her for a while so I let myself forget that she is funny, and smart, and fun, and generous, and did I mention she's funny. She loves me so much, and even though she doesn't agree with my decision making, she is sure to let me know that she wants me to make my own decisions. I love this about her. I love my sister Elyse.
Audrey: I met with my friend Audrey this week. She is an incredible woman, full of life, and ideas, and wisdom. She is so brave. Her courage is enviable. I love my friend Audrey.
Karen: I have a friend, who I talk to about rough times, who saved me by telling me that God loves me no matter what, who prays for me, and doesn't tell me what I want to hear, but what I need to hear. She will never know how much she means to me.
Thank you friends.