My sister asked me why I would start dating so soon after leaving my husband, "Don't you want to get to know yourself again before dating, find out who you are?" Her question stayed with me for a while and I started thinking about personality. Are our personalities given to us? We as individuals having no say about our likes, dislikes, skills, and challenges? Or are our personalities just made up of our interests and preferences? In other words, our personality is up to us. We choose what we like, what we do, what we say and how we say it. As most things in life, its probably a fine balance. Of born with preferences and the ability to choose. After leaving Josh, I did a lot of thinking about who I wanted to be. I had an amazing opportunity to do it again, make different choices. Its almost as if I took a look at who I was, disposed of what I didn't like and wrote a list of who I wanted to be. Let me tell you, its been a challenge, becoming the person that I want to be. Becoming someone I can admire. Someone I never thought I could be.
Here are 5 things I'm working on that jumped out at me right off the hop:
honesty: I want to be someone who is honest. Not hiding things, not telling lies.
nail biting: I wanna have nice nails, its important to me.
jogging: I want to be proud of my body and take good care of it and I want to be proud of the effort and strides I put into taking care of it.
cleaning. I want to live in a clean space. To have a place for everything and everything in its place.
wardrobe: I wanna feel awesome in everything in my wardrobe, buying pieces i know I will love and wear.
Some of these things have come surprisingly easy, some are more of a challenge, but I think part of our job as humans is to find happiness and that isn't always the easiest road, sometimes it takes work, to be who you want to be, and to be a person who will be happy.