May 30, 2011

May 24, 2011

its nice to get out of the city

Sunday Favourite Things

finding old journals, of lost times:

I cant see the end of this tunnel, though I trust in the light.
I feel restless and reckless
I feel no peace, no saftey, no comfort despite,
your failed attempts to soothe me
they are lost in translation.
I would explain all these feelings,
but Ive lost the will for communication

I wanna go home,
to be surrounded by love.
to be cared for and nourished
to be alone and untouched

May 19, 2011

For a minute there, I lost myself.

May 16, 2011

Im a lady.

Paulo Coelho's blog. Accepting some mistakes.

The German philosopher F. Nietzsche once said:
“it is no use living arguing about everything; it is part of human nature to make a mistake now and again.”

And the writer James Joyce shares the same opinion
“A man’s errors are his portals of discovery.”

Yet we all know people who absolutely insist that they are right even down to the smallest details.
We ourselves are often included in this category: we don’t allow ourselves to make mistakes.

All that we achieve with such an attitude is the fear of moving forward – because certain steps call for new decisions whose results are unknown to us.

The fear of making a mistake is the door that locks us up in the castle of mediocrity: if we manage to overcome this fear, we are taking an important step towards our freedom.

Sunday Favourite Things - happy birthday to me

sunday was my 20-hate birthday. It was a cloudy, overcast day. hopefully not an omen to my year to come. lets be optimistic and think otherwise, you know apparently 28 is a luck number.

one thing I learnt a few birthday's ago is the importance of a party dress. just like when I was a little girl, a party dress makes me feel special, pretty and important. Exactly how I want to feel on my "big" day.

the older you get, the less important birthday's seem. mine was special and ordinary and perfect.

wishing myself all the blessings and happiness a year can hold.

May 11, 2011

i heart boys in jean cut offs

Im lonely.
Im sad.
Im crying.
Im disappointed.
Music helps me feel.
God's giving me what I need.
Im going to be ok.

Ive been a lot of thinking about what shoes to wear this summer. Im over gladiator sandals, sandals in general, heels, and most everything I see in stores these days. I think Im just going to have to go old school. sigh...

Paulo Coelho

Heres an insert from Paulo Coelho's blog today. Lately I have been feeling like a warrior, with a lot of opposition and perhaps not as much support as I would hope for.

The warriors of light always keeps their hearts clean of feelings of hatred.

When they go to fight, they always remembers Christ’s words: “love your enemies”.

And the warriors obey.

But they know that the act of forgiving foes does not force them to accept everything.

Warrior cannot lower their heads – otherwise they lose sight of the horizon of their dreams.

The warrior notes that the adversaries are there to test our persistence, our ability to make decisions.
Adversaries are a blessing – because they force he warriors of light to fight for their dreams.

It is the experience of combat which strengthens our will .

May 9, 2011

Im a tsunami

tea, girlfriends, books, journal.

Jane Eyre

My mom was in town for Mother's Day. What a lovely surprise. My sister and I took her to see Jane Eyre. I love 1800's early feminist literature. The heroines seem so trapped in the "should" and "should not's" of society, something to which I have always identified with.

Jane Eyre, our heroine, is never portrayed as weak, as a damsel in distress. Quite the opposite. She is independent, very strong willed, and outspoken. She doesn't expect anyone to save her, but she isn't too proud to fall in love. She is yearning for that connection with another soul. She won't settle for anything but that moment, where two people recognize themselves in the other person. Where two hearts see their reflection in another. And in a society where love is less important than status, there is something to be said about that.

Jane Eyre played by her own rules, she wasn't afraid to hold out for what she knew she deserved. She was willing to live alone, work hard, and survive loneliness rather than settle for less than love, less than equality, less than a fairytale.

May 7, 2011

kick ass

some of the best things in life.

Fog Horns.
Perfect Coffee.
Movies in Bed.
A Good Cry.
Rainy Mornings.

May 4, 2011


the rides about to get bumpy

May 2, 2011

one of my all time favourite things

Im done trying.
Im tired of trying.
Im onto the next.