Awhile ago, I gave myself permission to be myself. I decided to be me at all costs. So if that means Im quiet, or giggly, or I interview people when I meet them, or if Im perverted, or too in your face, or mock you too soon. Thats me, and thats who I want to be. But today I learnt an equally important and seemingly obvious lesson. I decided to give my friends permission to be themselves as well. Their; in your face, too many jokes, too loud, too quiet, awkward laughing, sexual humoured, over-talking, racist joked selves. Thats who they are, and I love them, and now, they have permission to be themselves. This probably wont make any difference to how I treat them, or how they view me. But in my heart there has been a shift. And the shift was epic.
Shorts: jeans, kahkis. baggy cuffed, patterned, vintage.` 90's inspired jean cut offs. Its definately a high waist line this summer. Think about what your mom wore in the 80's- 90's. Thats the look. Those colors. Those cuts. Im keeping my eye out for denim floral patterned cut-offs.
with crop tops.
Long skirts: not something I can pull off but Im jealous of those who can.
The baggier silhouette is still going to be in: ponchos, capes and the like will still be hot. So your baggy t-shirts will get another round.
Denim: shirts, dresses, backpacks. I cant say it enough. Demin, Demin, Demin
The details: invest in statment jewlery. Ive been really feeling gold necklaces, rings and bangles. The look is vintage. Any look can pull it off. Loop your belt, cuff your pants, invest in details.
Socks. Go knee high, sport socks to the knee or delicate pink ones under you peep toe.
Shoes: I think ankle and mid calf boots are still going to be hot. so cute with dresses, long skirts and shorts.
Vintage. Vintage. Vintage.
Vintage or faux fur: I know its summer, but if you care enough youll rep it.
Hats. I wanna look like "Blossom" all summer
Bikes. Get a bike and ride it. You will look cool.
In Lewis Carroll’s famous masterpiece “Alice through the Looking Glass,” there is a dialogue between the main character and the Queen, who has just told something quite extraordinary.
- I can’t believe it – says Alice.
- Can’t believe it? – the Queen repeats with a sad look on her face. – Try again: take a deep breath, close your eyes, and believe.
Alice laughs:
- It’s no good trying. Only fools believe that impossible things can happen.
- I think what you need is a little training – answers the Queen. – When I was your age I would practice at least half an hour a day, right after breakfast, I tried very hard to imagine five or six unbelievable things that could cross my path, and today I see that most of the things I imagined have turned real, I even became a Queen because of that.
Life constantly asks us: “believe!” Believing that a miracle can happen at any moment is necessary not only for our happiness but also for our protection, or to justify our existence. In today’s world, many people think it is impossible to put an end to misery, to build a fair society, and to alleviate the religious tension that seems to grow worse every day.
Most people avoid the struggle for a whole variety of reasons: conformism, maturity, the sense of the ridiculous, the feeling of impotence. We see injustice being done to our neighbor and remain silent. “I’m not getting involved in fights for nothing” is the explanation.
This is a cowardly attitude. Whoever travels down a spiritual path carries an honor code to be fulfilled; the voice that is raised against what is wrong is always heard by God.